Sport Psychology unit offers the prospective athletes the opportunity to learn and master psychological skills that can be handy during training and competition. Particularly relevant to the psychological support, is the continued monitoring into the effectiveness of interventions to enhance performance. A diverse approach and personalized interventions based on individual’s need makes our services unique. Interventions are designed for individual empowerment that can be used in field situations. Our goal is to consistently create the ideal mental state that will enable athletes to perform to their potential.

Performance Enhancement

As the science of sport performance evolves, it becomes increasingly important to integrate the mental and physical aspect of performance. The fluctuation in psychological regulation can be prevented by developing cognitive skills and strategies to manage anxiety, stress, negative thoughts and emotions – in other words, to help the athlete to cope with negative stimuli from the external world.

Psychological Support During Injury Rehabilitation

    When dealing with injured athletes a holistic approach is considered. The major areas that is considered are :

  • Athlete’s cognitive appraisal - interpretation of injury
  • Athlete’s emotional response - anger, denial,depression,relief
  • Athlete’s behavioural response - adherence to rehabilitation

Foundation Skills

  • Achievement drive (overcoming obstacles)
  • Achievement drive (overcoming obstacles)
  • Productive thinking
  • Self-confidence

Performance Skill

  • Stress-energy balance(regulation)
  • Attentional skills
  • Attentional skills
  • Personal control

Personal Development Skill

  • Self concept
  • Athletic identity
  • Well being
  • Interpersonal competence

Team Skill

  • Building collective resources
  • Team confidence
  • Communication Skills
  • Leadership